Noun project : une galerie de pictogrammes en Creative commons

Le site se présente avec l’objectif de partager et de faciliter l’usage de symboles qui sont un langage visual mondial.

"sharing, celebrating and enhancing the world’s visual language"

Le Projet Noun collecte, organise et ajoute des symboles picto de faàcon à ce que nous puissions les partager de façon amusante .

Le site :

Designed by Gary Anderson in United States (1970), CC by

La présentation en anglais :

The Noun Project collects, organizes and adds to the highly recognizable symbols that form the world’s visual language, so we may share them in a fun and meaningful way.

Here is our pledge to you :


The symbols on this site are and always will remain free. We believe symbols can not be effectively shared with the world if they are not free.


Everyone likes simplicity. We want you to be able to come to our site and effortlessly find and obtain what you are looking for. Simple as that.


We think a language that can be understood by all cultures and people is a pretty amazing thing. We also think our symbols and the objects or ideas they represent are works of art worth celebrating. Check out our store.

Highest Quality

We get excited about things like scale, proportion, and shape. We are committed to design and quality in everything we do.

Posté le 12 décembre 2010 par Michel Briand

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